Here’s another great saxophone solo transcription from a Youtube video that I started working on last week. This is another great solo from the terrific NYC tenor sax player, Danny Walsh on the tune “A Weaver of Dreams”. (I’ve already transcribed a couple other solos by Danny if you want to check those out also…..)
Danny Walsh is an amazing saxophone player that many people may not know about but he is definitely worth checking out! Danny actually posted on Facebook that he was playing with Mike Stern in NYC for a few nights a few weeks ago. I would have loved to hear that gig! I love hearing Danny play and do a search for him about once a month to see if any new videos have popped up of him on Youtube.
I find it fascinating to hear a player of Danny’s calibre playing these common tunes that we probably have all played and just tearing them to shreds. I love how effortless Danny looks while soloing, he’s playing these intense lines but looking like he’s playing Mary Had a Little Lamb or something. Not a drip of sweat or sign of effort, it just seems like it is flowing out of him effortlessly. I love that!
Danny Walsh-Tenor Saxophone
The tune Danny is playing on here is “a Weaver of Dreams” by Victor Young and John Elliott. If you don’t know the tune, is has the same chord changes as “There Will Never Be Another You” and in my opinion, is a much more beautiful melody. (I got burned out on “There Will Never Be Another You” my first two years at Berklee and since then can’t stand that melody if I am brutally honest……..)
I’ve included Danny’s rendition of the melody in the transcription because I love his interpretation of it. He also throws in some amazing lines that I just had to write out also!
This video only has 385 views after almost a year of being on Youtube as I post this transcription so I think I am right in saying that Danny Walsh is a very underrated player in the saxophone world. Those of us that know understand just how burnin’ Danny is though……Check out this great solo, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! Thanks Danny!!
A Weaver of Dreams-Danny Walsh Solo
A Weaver of Dreams-Danny Walsh Bb PDF
A Weaver of Dreams-Danny Walsh C PDF