Here are two short transcriptions of solos Chris Potter did on a March 8, 2008 Masterclass. The bootleg was floating around the internet ( and I was lucky enough to grab it. In these two examples Chris is showing the differences in his playing style from when he was younger to now.
The first solo is pretty straight forward rhythmically and he is sticking pretty close to the changes and a standard bebop type approach. The second solo (I call it “Potterized Rhythm Changes”) is a bit more advanced. He’s taking more liberties harmonically and rhythmically. The second “Potterized Version” much harder to transcribe and some parts were difficult to figure out rhythmically but I did my best. These are two great examples of how to play over rhythm changes and take it away from the standard bebop sound. Really check out the rhythmic approach on the “Potterized” version. Enjoy!
Potter Simple Rhythm Changes Solo Revised
Potterized Rhythm Changes Revised
If you love these type of outside type lines, be sure to check out my PDF book “Devastating Minor Lines for Jazz and Funk Soloing” in which I take 100 classic minor “outside” lines in 16th notes and write them out in all 12 keys. These lines are devastatingly awesome!! (that’s my opinion anyways……)